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16 Ways to Make Reading Playful

Have you ever wondered how to make your kid a reader? In this three part blog series I’ve covered how to turn your kids into readers (12 ways), how to get books into the hands of your kids (11 inexpensive and fun ways) and today we’re going to put the final touches on building a

The Deadly Swamp of Mom Guilt

Do you experience Mom Guilt? Maybe just a niggle here and there or maybe full-fledged what-the-heck kind of Mom Guilt. If you have ever wondered if your kids would be better just playing in the backyard than being trundled off to after-school activities that are supposed to broaden their development and skills before it is

How to Bring Books Into Your Child’s Life

Friday’s post on building a reader and encouraging reading is just a start. Once you’ve built a reader, you have to nurture that love of the written word and to do so, you are going to need books. Lots of books. And that can get expensive. For example, if you have a kid who can

How to Create a Reader

While creating a reader out of your kids might seem easy and like common sense, sometimes kids surprise us and just don’t get into the whole reading thing. As well, it is easy to forget that sometimes we need to nurture and grow those reading skills–particularly when life badgers us with distractions, the laundry piles