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Lenore Skenazy is Not Crazy

[divider] You may have heard about Lenore Skenazy’s (Author of Free Range Kids) latest Free Range Parenting Ploy: Pay Me to Ignore Your Kids. And a lot of people are calling her crazy. But before we get into that, let me share exactly what her program will offer as a benefit to your kids. The

Reseed Playgrounds with Children

Lenore Skenazy, author of “Free Range Kids” and host of the TV show “Bubble Wrapped Kids,” is spearheading the third annual “Take your kids to the park and leave them there” grassroots movement to reseed playgrounds with children. Why would she do that? Think about the playground in your neighbourhood. If this playground were always

The Deadly Swamp of Mom Guilt

Do you experience Mom Guilt? Maybe just a niggle here and there or maybe full-fledged what-the-heck kind of Mom Guilt. If you have ever wondered if your kids would be better just playing in the backyard than being trundled off to after-school activities that are supposed to broaden their development and skills before it is