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>#188: Make Your Own Story

>Make up your own story. You can write it down or tell it to someone. For added fun, if you write it down, illustrate it too (draw pictures). Make this a family activity: Have everyone make up stories to tell/read to each other. This activity promotes problem solving skills, imagination and communication skills.

>#187: Pencil Container

>Decorating a jar or can to make a pencil holder is a great gift idea. You will need: empty jar or can about 8 x 10 cm (3-4 inches) tall with a wide opening at the top, tissue paper, pencil, white glue, and a shallow container for glue (like a jar lid). Cut tissue paper

Indoor Camping Ideas For Kids: Ceiling Stars

[divider] Doing a little indoor camping with the kids but still want to enjoy gazing at the stars? Got you covered! How to Make Ceiling Stars To make stars on your ceiling, you will need a dark room, flashlight, and a strainer/colander. Simple shine the flashlight up through the strainer. It should make star shapes

>#185: Build With Lego or Interlocking Blocks

>Let’s build something with Lego/interlocking blocks. How about a car? House? Space Ship? Steps? Enjoy! Make this a family activity: Work with your parents and siblings to build a whole community out of Lego or other interlocking blocks. This activity promotes visio-spatial skills.

>#184: Paper Cut Outs

>To make paper cut out pictures, you will need two pieces of different coloured or different textured paper. Cut shapes and pieces out of the one sheet of paper and glue them over the other, uncut piece of paper like below. You can also colour and draw on the paper like in the example below.