Go on a nature anomaly hunt. Can you find weird stuff?
Nature anomalies are something strange or different that occurs in nature–it’s not quite normal. Things like the dandelion pictured above that has several stems and dandelion heads all grown together. Another, more common example would be a four-leaf clover. Maybe two leaves that share a stem. A bird’s egg that is paler or smaller than the rest in the nest. A cat with an extra toe.
Finding an anomaly can be difficult because they are fairly rare. But taking your kids out for a hike and asking them to keep an eye out for something odd or strange can give them a goal or purpose to their walk. Plus, you might just be amazed at what they find that is different and unique. And yes, they may get completely and utterly distracted, but that’s okay! It’s normal and they may just find something else that completely enthralls them.
Have you ever found a four leaf clover or other nature anomaly?
Can your kids find a nature anomaly? http://t.co/5YpVZQr0
— Jean Oram (@KidsPlay) August 14, 2012
P.S. Don’t forget about the It’s All Kid’s Play newsletter for more great fun play ideas.
]]>Let’s get the kids outdoors and camping! Woot, woot!
According to Richard Louv (author of Last Child in the Woods) children are suffering from Nature Deficit. In other words, kids aren’t getting outdoors enough and hanging with good ol’ nature. And this is causing them to deal with increased depression issues, ADHD type behaviours, increase the likelihood of obesity (a summer danger in the average North American child), and even increase the likelihood that the child experiences increased anxiety. In other words, nature is good. It’s good for our mental health (I’m including adults in this) as well as our physical health.
What can we do?
Kids LOVE camping. They love the freedom of being outdoors. Of sleeping in a tent (or in an RV)–both rentable or borrowable so no excuses. Kids love the curious exploration of camping. Kids love doing something new. Kids love chilling with the family. They also love Spider Dogs and S’mores. (Click to sign up and get these free recipes–coming very, very soon.)
Camping to the rescue because it solves the nature, being outdoors, and being active issue. Sure we are more likely to stuff our faces full of s’mores while out camping, but think of it this way… It’s easy to unplug. It’s easy to spend more time as a family. It’s easy to increase our communication skills while sitting around a campfire telling scary stories. It’s easy to learn about nature in an interesting and meaningful way. It’s easy to find places to hike to. It’s easy to see the stars. It’s easy to learn about insects (yeah, sorry about that one). It’s easy to learn the value of running water. It’s easy to learn about survival skills. It’s easy to learn independence. It’s easy to meet other kids (campgrounds are often crawling with kids). It’s easy to be active.
Tell me… What else does camping make it easy to do?
Sharing Made Easy:
Do you like camping with the kids? Reasons why camping is important for the kiddos. http://t.co/nefLln7S Let's get out & active. #camping
— Jean Oram (@KidsPlay) July 15, 2012
*Need more summer fun ideas? I’ve got you covered–including at home camping! Sign up here. (Free & not spammy. Just useful, playful fun delivered straight to you.)
P.S. Giving Indoor Camping a try? Lots of ideas in the newsletter including a little something from this post on indoor stargazing–super-simple ceiling stars. You’ll be surprised you didn’t think of it! (If you are anything like me!)